MANDANA DIBA - Professional development DIRECTOR

Mandana immigrated to Canada about 30 years ago. Since then and while raising her family, she has worked in various settings in British Columbia including Vancouver’s Downtown East-side where she supported individuals with addiction and mental health issues. She has a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology from Campus Alberta’s Graduate Program in Counselling in Alberta, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the Open learning University in British Columbia and a Bachelor of Public Administration from the University of Tehran, Iran. As a counsellor she has worked with children, adults, couples, families and groups, and has presented workshops and seminars in various topics such as trauma and stress in British Columbia and Ontario for non-profit organizations as well as in her private practice. Mandana is currently working in private practice in Ottawa and Montreal. Her areas of interest and expertise include trauma, depression, anxiety, and couple counselling. She wishes to be considered as an advocate for legislation reform toward the proper recognition of psychotherapy in Quebec.